



2D Artist


Acrylic, Bracelets, Bronze, Copper, Earrings, Jewellery, Necklaces

Short Biography

Acrylic paint pour artist who makes jewelry from her canvasses


Prior to the pandemic, I ran a hypnotherapy school and practice. That was my baby since 1999 and was where I found an outlet for my creativity. ​ After moving my practice and school online in 2020, I found myself with free time and was finally able to indulge two of my loves; artwork and jewelry making. Acrylic paint pouring had been on my radar for a long time but with the busyness of my career I had never found the time or energy to indulge this interest. The same was the case with jewelry making. I had been hoarding beads, wire, cabochons, semi precious stones and all matter of things shiny and shimmery but it took the pandemic for me to blow the dust off my jewelry supplies and get to work. When I discovered I could create jewelry from the spare paint that dripped off my painting, I fell in love with the process and it quickly evolved to cutting the canvasses of my art to use the art pieces themselves in my jewelry. ​ Now, my art and jewelry design has become my number one pastime and the place where I lose myself . ​ Every piece you buy from me is made with love throughout the process and is a one of a kind, never to be replicated, piece of wearable art.



acrylic, paint pour, abstract art, jewelry, wearable art