On Monday from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
The Group of Seven (or nine or eleven?) was a collection of brilliant Canadian artists who, despite painting almost one hundred years ago, still influence the style of many artists today. Learn about the fascinating lives of these artists, including such powerhouses as Lawren Harris, J. Macdonald and Alfred Casson, as well as those associated with the G7 such as Tom Thompson and Emily Carr. Then in the second half of each class, paint a picture that has been influenced by them.
Terri Bowen
Terri Bowen (Bed, MA, Master Graphologist) is a long-time instructor for Elder Colleges on the Island. A retired principal of a Learning Through the Arts school in Calgary, she works in many mediums and formats, including mural painting. Terri has won several awards for her artwork and does commission work. One of her passions is travelling to see the famous art galleries of the world.
Prerequisites: Bring your brushes and a paint pallette. All other painting materials will be provided to you for $35, payable to the instructor at the first class. Bring reference photos to use as starting points for your paintings.
Register for course HERE