Up and Down and All Around

Rita BLOM & William ALLEN

A unique exhibit featuring intricate meditative pen and ink, and beautiful un-manipulated photography.

November 28 – January 28, 2024

Opening Reception, Saturday, December 2, 1-3pm

William Allen Background

I began taking photographs in Junior High with a very active and vibrant photo club. We learned all the fundamentals of film photography and printing. Later, I was fortunate enough to be able to take a Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree with Photography as my fine arts concentration.

I have always traveled with a camera, and I’ve been fortunate enough to travel extensively in Canada. The most important thing I’ve learned is to simply seize the moment, take the picture with what you have and under the circumstances you are presented. This has fostered my approach to photography and processing.

My vision

I want to communicate my emotional response to those who see my photos. To do that I feel that the photo must speak for itself, it must capture some essence of how I see the subject, and not be manipulated artificially to create or enhance that response. I try to see and capture the moment and the emotion. Photography in its purest form.

This doesn’t stop me from creating digital art from photographs. Digital art allows you to explore different ideas and presentations that are simply not possible with photography in its purest form. However, I try to create images that are clearly not pure photography.


I have pursued creativity for all of my life. This started with music at a young age. As an adult, I was drawn to visual arts including oil painting, charcoal and pen. I took quite a variety of courses to learn the basic techniques. Fibre crafts have been a mainstay of my hobby time.

Zentangle proved to be a turning point for me. It freed me from trying to reproduce the world around me so that I could instead explore graphic forms and then colour in new ways.
I hope to tangle for the rest of my life while exploring different media.

I constantly look for ways to intertwine my various interests. I always have projects on the go trying to meld Zentangle inspired art, music, yoga and fibre crafts.

